⑴ 姓氏羅,要怎樣向別人介紹自己的姓氏,讓別人一下就能記住
⑵ 高分求助!如何做好名字的自我介紹 羅仕駿,
⑶ 求一個經典的自我介紹言語,本人姓羅,謝謝各位噠
My name is LuoWei, I am a sunny student at the age of 20. I'm now learning in xxx school and my favourite lesson is Maths and English. I like Maths because I regard it as a physical fitness for my brain to improve my complicated thinkings and it will help me to work better in calculation of some data problems in my daily work in the future. English, as a world-wide, which is used as a union working language, is very important for me. If I am very lucky enough to work in a joint venture, I'll have to work with many foreigners from all over the world, English language skill is a must thorugh which I can both learn and chat with them very easily. From this I can also gain a lot of cultures as well as something special. Beaides I've got a lot of hobbies: collecting stamps, palying table tennis and hide-and-seek. I hope you can make friends with me and leave you a good impression. Thx for listening me introction.
⑷ 姓氏羅,要怎樣向別人介紹自己的姓氏,讓別人一下就能記住。
⑸ 怎麼介紹自己的姓氏
閻 起源於姬姓,為黃帝裔孫後稷之後。周武王時,仲奕的後代以封地閻作為姓氏。唐朝有位著名的畫家叫閻立本,《步輦圖》出自其手。
⑹ 羅姓家譜的介紹
羅姓抄家譜就是羅姓人家的世系族譜,羅氏是中國流傳久遠的姓氏,家譜的修訂是基於「敬宗收族」的觀念與目的,以加強家族團結,鞏固家族制度。羅氏族譜最早者,可能為修於宋代開寶年間的「豫章羅氏」 (俗稱「柏林羅氏」)族譜。
⑺ 自我介紹羅姓怎麼介紹
My name is LuoWei, I am a sunny student at the age of 20. I'm now learning in xxx school and my favourite lesson is Maths and English. I like Maths because I regard it as a physical fitness for my brain to improve my complicated thinkings and it will help me to work better in calculation of some data problems in my daily work in the future.
English, as a world-wide, which is used as a union working language, is very important for me. If I am very lucky enough to work in a joint venture, I'll have to work with many foreigners from all over the world, English language skill is a must thorugh which I can both learn and chat with them very easily. From this I can also gain a lot of cultures as well as something special.
Beaides I've got a lot of hobbies: collecting stamps, palying table tennis and hide-and-seek. I hope you can make friends with me and leave you a good impression. Thx for listening me introction.
⑻ 羅姓的介紹
羅(繁體字:羅): 源自於史書稱為「祝融八姓」的後裔版。祝融的後裔分為八姓,即己、董、彭權、禿、妘、曹、斟、羋等,到了周朝的時候,有子孫被封在宜城(今湖北省宜城縣),稱為羅國。公元前690年,羅國被楚國所滅,於原地另置鄢國。祝融氏的子孫逐漸南移,最初遷居枝江(今湖北省南部,長江沿岸的枝江縣),至周末又南遷至湖南汩羅地區,遂以國名「羅」為氏。