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❶ 出國留學自我介紹書怎麼寫


屬 名及日期

❷ 有沒有什麼書籍是講一個人出國後在國外的生活是怎樣的請推薦一本,要以美國生活為主的,謝謝



❸ 出國留學帶什麼書

去你申請的大學網站看一下...看對口專業都需要完成那些課程,然後去學校online的book store找相應的書...找到專後,在國內找找屬中文譯版...對剛出來讀書會有些用...因為一出來就直接看英文書,一般人都不怎麼能適應,而且很多英文版的書都會有中文翻譯版本...

還有就是專業字典...一般的字典就不用了(帶個文曲星什麼的就夠了), 專業字典一般就是你學的專業對口的那種,比如學金融的就買金融字典,學經濟的就買經濟字典...因為很多專業詞彙在普通字典里都找不到...



❹ 出國留學個人陳述書怎麼寫才討喜









❺ 出國留學自我介紹信和學習計劃書


❻ 請介紹一本好書,並介紹內容.最好是國外

主要 內容
<格列佛游記 >
格列佛於1699年開始第一次旅行,在海上遇到風暴,到了一個叫做利力浦特的國家,那兒的人只有15厘米高。他後來逃走了,回到家鄉。可是不久又進行下一次旅行,先是到布羅卜丁奈格,然後是勒皮他和拉格奈格,最後到了更為奇怪的慧駟國…… 作為一個年輕人,格列佛為人類、為他的祖國--英國而自豪。他在這些奇特的國家旅行,與巨人、魔術師和馬交談,開始時他還為他們的異常主張和奇怪看法感到好笑。但是隨著時光流逝,他開始困惑,捫心自問:"為什麼我們人類要進行戰爭、撒謊、詐騙、互相殘殺?難道沒有更好的方式生活?"

❼ 出國短期交流的申請書,應該寫些什麼


❽ 怎麼寫出國留學自我介紹和學習計劃書

自我介紹需要寫 學習計劃書沒聽說過

❾ 跪求一份出國留學前我自我鑒定書`200字左右朋友們幫幫忙啊``要速度謝謝!!



Personal Statement

In 1998, when I was 15 years old, I was selected the new editor-in-chief of my high school magazine. Strictly speaking, it was merely a booklet, made up of a few articles composed by the students originally and a little naïve report about the big events in the school. However, that booklet changed my life. The hope and desire to become a real media practitioner began to grow inside my heart from then on.

In 2001, I entered Sun Yat-sen University, one of the top 10 universities in China, and I was recruited by a magazine call Ling Nan Ren (which means people from Ling Nan, the south point of China). I was asked in the interview: 「what kind of character, do you think, is essential to make us different from all other student magazines?」 My answer was that,「 the name of the magazine indicates a geographic concept. When all other magazines try to be the mouthpiece of university students, we should focus more on the region and the students in it, its own cultural style and the local creation…」 Though puerile, it was the first time I stated my concept for a whole magazine out. In 2003, I became the editor-in-chief of Pilgrimage Magazine, which consists of articles in five different languages. It required me to think more globally, as well as maintain the local and original creation. Then I found my interest of study: media and globalization, and the relationship between the global and the local.

I』m also a reporter and editor of the Television Center, Sun Yat-sen University. Last Feb, I went to a Hansen』s disease Village together with Japanese Volunteers, to build a new toilet for the HD sufferers. I recorded down all things happened there with my DV camera and made my first documentary. TV proction has taught me about how to cater to the needs and wants of a more extensive audience, and encouraged me to pay attention to more aspects of the world.

I』m currently majoring in English Language and Literature. Such background will benefit me a lot in my future study and research. Language is not only a language; it』s also a carrier of culture and thoughts. In order to master the language well, I have to understand the culture and history of the western world and pay a lot of attention to cross-culture communications. Though I haven』t an academic background in Media Studies or Journalism, My undergraate programme can provide me with a special perspective and analytic skills to solve the problems in my future study. Language learning also focused a lot on basic skills training, such as writing, intensive reading, literature translation and discourse analysis, which have equipped me for more in-depth studies.

In my undergraate study, I achieved an average score of 86.6% and was awarded the academic excellence scholarship for 3 consecutive years. Apart from the core courses, I』m also interested in History and Gender Studies. The courses I』ve taken and audited, varied from Chinese ancient poetry, contemporary European civilization to Gender Representation, have helped me to mold a more solid method of observation. I』m confident that my impressive academic background, English proficiency and practical intern experiences will all strengthen my potential for further study.

Months ago, I was extremely honored to have a meeting with the British Ambassador in China, Sir Christopher Hum, at my university. Sir Hum asked the students at the meeting about our image of UK. I told him that UK is a most creative country in my opinion. The dynamic creative instry in this country really attracts me a lot. I sincerely hope that my ideas and interest, which germinated from my Chinese background, can be nourished in the soil of creativity, seriousness and enthusiasm. The marrow of culture and knowledge in both countries, China and UK, will definitely have a great impact on me. After I finish my study, I will probably come back to China and work in its booming media instry. At the same time, I』ll try to carry on my study to a higher level. I want to bring the advanced concept I』ve learned back to China and to be involved in the media ecation after I』m qualified enough.

The department of Media and Communications at LSE has admirable faculties and its research thematic areas are exactly what I』m interested in. I hope that LSE can open up a new and splendid academic future for me, and I will be fortunate enough to contribute to the future of LSE.



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