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① 跪求機械設計及其自動化專業的英文自薦信

Dear leaders:
We appreciate your taking the time to review the job materials that give this opportunity!
A solid grasp of knowledge and expertise in a certain ability to work and organizational capacity of subordinates, is your desire. Seeking a full play to their professional expertise of the work unit and can get your attention, the hope is a job; capable assistants, will help you seemed to work; suitable work units, will help job-seekers to display their talent.
Perhaps we will be a common goal and stand together, and that is: will your organization's glorious history written more fun! Your organization is willing to work and sacrifice their youth and talent.
As graating students, although the lack of work experience, but by descriptive geometry classes and majoring in mechanical drawing, engineering materials, molding material and technological foundation, geometric precision control and application, machinery manufacturing and technological foundation, mechanical principles, the basis of control engineering, electrical Technology, electronics technology, mechanical design, mechanical design curriculum design, transmission and hydraulic pressure control, testing technology, CAD / CAM technology,
Principle and computer interface technology, mechatronics, NC technology, numerical control technology, machinery and equipment manufacturing and design, advanced manufacturing technology, the study, a preliminary grasp of the theory of professional knowledge, and through metalworking practice, practice and understanding Proction internship study, to fully integrate the theory and practice, for my future work study provided valuable information.
For a better connection with reality, I August 2007 using vacation time to Xiamen Linde (China) Limited forklift attachment. Its advanced manufacturing technology and processes allow me to better understand the machinery on a step.
The study by the University, can skillfully use Office procts, and a variety of graphics software AutoCAD, CAXA. And use after school hours to learn and master a certain UG graphics knowledge.
University life is not our imagination in the park, is not our idea of paradise, but a tempering of the stove. During this period was 4 of the National College English examination CET-4, CCT National University of Computer Certificate Examination (C language), the State Ministry of Information Instry AutoCAD certificate, in schools "excellent civilizations dormitory" was third place in the competitions, the College driving Skills training. To learn about the power of teamwork, learning to difficulties in the face of the determination to not bow to improve the problem-solving abilities. On the occasion of the advent of training opportunities, special test to your organization recommended himself, give me a job training opportunities, but also you a success. A sincere heart in the hope that you trust. In a person's life, and so you change.
In the course of study after work I will humbly learn, to work, Jinzhong committed to our work. Sincerely hope that your organization have access to or interviews about the opportunity.
Finally, wish you prosperity!

Recommended himself: in October 2007

② 考博時,寫給導師的自薦信該怎麼寫


③ 急求機械類專業的個人簡歷自薦信

自 薦 信尊敬的領導: 您好! 當您瀏覽這一頁的時候,您已經為我打開了通往成功的第一扇大門。感謝您能在我即將踏上人生又一嶄新征程的時候,給我一次寶貴的機會。希望它不同於您手中若干份雷同的求職材料,並能有助您在激烈的市場競爭與知識經濟的大潮中錄求到你正在尋找的綜合型人才。 我是XX專科學校的一名大三學生,主修的是機械設計製造及其自動化專業的數控技術方向。欲在各企事業單位尋找一份與計算機相關的管理或技術工作,如:信息采編,網路管理,也願意從事與本專業數控技術有關的管理技術性工作 。 作為一名專科生,「合格加特長」始終是我的目標。在學校里我的學習成績名列前茅,並積極參加各種課外活動,作為新世紀的大學生,我深深知道只學習本專業的知識是遠遠不夠的,因此我閱讀了各個方面的書籍並參加了各種極其有用的培訓課程的學習,充實自己的同時也得到了更多機會的鍛煉。經過大學三年的努力,我已具有較高的理論及實踐能力,有良好的人際關系,能適應新環境。計算機和英語知識的掌握使我工作責任心強,富有創新意識,願從事具有挑戰性的工作。並且,具有一定的組織、社交能力。對未知領域充滿熱情,自信。有相當的發展潛力,以求不斷完善自我。我肯吃苦,踏實苦幹,從點滴做起,在工作中始終保持勇於創新的信念和樂觀向上的態度。 此致
自薦人 :_________ 二〇一〇年六月十一日

④ 求助:考博自薦信


⑤ 研究生期間表現不優秀想考博士怎麼寫自薦信

自薦信都是說好不說壞啊,說說自己成就,發表了多少論文,有啥成果,據我所知,博士好考但是不容易畢業啊 找個導師推薦下,望採納

⑥ 考博寫給導師的自薦信該怎麼寫

推薦材料 中共##省委黨校: ###同志,女,##年#月出生,##年#月參加工作,#### 局職員。 該同志自參加工作以來,認真學習鄧小平理論及「三個代表」 重要思想,全面貫徹執行黨的路線、方針、政策,在政治上、 思想上與各級黨組織保持高度一致, 特別是在黨的先進性教育活動中,作為入黨積極分子積極參加, 以黨員的標准嚴格 要求自己;工作上積極主動,任勞任怨, 具備較強的業務素質及優秀的工作能力, 在信息工作方面做出了較為突出的成績, 得到領導和同志們的一致肯定。工作期間,開發建立了「◎◎在線」 網站,編寫了《##信息產業「十一五」發展規劃》,參與編寫了《 ##國民經濟和社會發展「十一五」規劃》, 並多次在各級報刊上發表文章,其中,《落實科學發展觀,振興## 鹽業經濟》被國家《新時期基層發改委工作指南》收錄。 ###同志工作上成績突出,但是她不驕不躁, 在參加繼續教育培訓的同時,還積極利用業余時間加強法律、 計算機、投資咨詢等相關知識的學習,使她的綜合素質不斷提高, 在各項工作上更加游刃有餘。 作為重點培養幹部,為了使### 同志知識水平及綜合素質得到進一步提升, 使其能夠擔任更重要的工作任務,做出更大的貢獻, 希望該同志能夠進入省委黨校專業理論研究生班繼續學習深造。 特此推薦。 ####局 二〇〇六年三月十二日



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