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A. 采購員的崗位職責 英文版


Conct strategic purchase

- Assist team leader to build up purchase budget, commodity strategy and operation plan.
- Research purchase marketing, recommend new potential supplier supporting buyers

Localization coordination

- Responsible for the development of localization and conct cross-functional support focused on project steering

- Work with Sourcing/SDE/Procurement-Team to follow-up all developing parts process covering all validation phases

- Cooperate with internal departments to coordinate and boost new localization process
- Localization FAI tracking list to boost new localization process

Proct view calculation (project-orientated)

- Regularly create MLL part list and update purchase prices with Fico data

B. 誰有采購的英文介紹啊我要面試采購職位,要求英語,我英語爛,各位幫幫忙吧


Baichuan Zhu
66 Nanshan Rd. Apt. 201
Hangzhou 310010
(0571) 6763247


Purchaser for Wal-Mart in Beijing

Work Experience

1994-2000, Purchaser at Hangzhou Friendship Store. Responsibe for purchasing arts and crafts, chinaware, cloth, clothes, electric appliances, leatherwares, shoes, sports good, stationery, toys. Established extensive contacts with manufacturers and distributors.

1989-1994, Purchaser at Hangzhou Department Store. Responsible for planning and doing actual purchases of such foodstuffs as frozen meat, confectionery, alcohols, beverages, dried aquatic procts, rice and flour procts, preserved fruits, spices. Succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25% at profit margins of 60-80%

1987-1989, Salesman at Foodstuffs Department of Hangzhou Supermarket. Handled annual sales volume of between 18 and 12 million yuan.

Ecation Background

1981-1987, Xinhu Middle School

1975-1981, Hangzhou No. 62 Primary School

References, available upon request

Purchasing Supervisor


· material planning and purchasing skills.

·Outstanding supplier base development and management capability.

·Master of MRP.

·Valuable inventory control experience and skills.


Name: Stella Li Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1975

Martial Status:Married Email Address:[email protected]

Tel:(010)67183945-7869 Mobile Phone:13911216789


08/1999 - 08/1999 XXXX Technology Co., Ltd Purchasing supervisor

·Mainly engaged in supplier approval, rating and development and supplier management.

·Supervising a team to perform purchasing activities and tracking their performance.

·Leading the local sourcing in China and driving the on-going cost rection plan.

·Ensuring the supply pipeline to maintain the proction, while the inventory is under control.

·Purchasing procere update and value-added process implementation.

·Be sensitive to the worldwide supply market and identify potential supply risks from vendors and take action accordingly.

1997/02 - 1999/07 XXXX Senior Purchaser

·Vendor selection and development, price & terms negotiation and allocation update.

·On-going cost rection with vendors via raw material price negotiation, vendor proct cost composition analysis and other source benchmarking, to meet/exceed target.

·Material supply assurance & inventory control.

·Vendor performance evaluation and quality improvement.

--As I perfectly controlled the material quality and delivery time,the sales department was strongly supported and orders were shipped on time and without shortage and effeciently reced wastage. The total sales amount was raised from 3 Million USD to 5 Million USD, enlarged business scope and attracted big customers.

1996/08 - 1997/01 XXX Purchaser

·Base on MRP to release orders and track the delivery.

·Coordinate with related function for new vendor approval and ECO control.


01/07/1996 JiangSu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China

Automobile and Tracker design and manufacture Bachelor


Computer Auto CAD, Lotus Notes user

C. 請幫我翻譯成英文的 明天面試用的,謝謝了 我有三年的采購經驗,對尋

I have three^year purchasing experience,furthermore,I am always familiar with seeking vendors,negotiation,logistics and arranging delivery,maybe I have some shortages this time,but I have an ambitious heart,I hope you can give me a chance .Thank you.

D. 關於采購行業的知識(英語)

采購(purchasing),是指企業在一定的條件下從供應市場獲取產品或服務作為企業資源, 以保證企業生產及經營活動正常開展的一項企業經營活動。采購是一個商業性質的有機體為維持正常運轉而尋求從體外攝入的過程。分為戰略采購(sourcing)和日常采購(procurement)兩部分。












E. .用英語介紹自己的第一次工作經驗

Last summer holiday, I went to a private school to be an English teacher. The students were all very small, some of them only 9 years old,while some of them were 14 years old. I taught them words, phrases and they were very diligented, lovely and intelligent. We got along with each other very well. At first I was a little bit nervous,but because I was well prepared for it ,I had great confidence to teach them. By doing this , I got to know that nothing is impossible as long as you work hard for it.
Thank you .

F. 用英文描述一下你的工作經歷

想快速提高英語水平,最關鍵就是外教水平 純正歐美口音(非東南亞)才是最好,否則學錯口音要改正就更困難了 一定要多試聽來比較。其實你可以到各個學習譏構去咨詢了解仔細對比後再做選擇 如此才能選擇最時候自己的英語輔導譏構~可以利用.好.下班時間在線學習的,建議可以去ABC天卞口語 1對1外教輔導真的有明顯效果。last summer holiday, i went to a private school to be an english teacher. the students were all very small, some of them only years old,wle some of them were 1 years old.i taught them words, phrases and they were very diligent, lovely and intelligent. we got along with each other very well. at first i was a little bit nervous, after i well prepared i had great confidence to teach them. from ts small experience, i got to notng is impossible as long as you work hard for it.

G. 【英語】如何用英語介紹自己工作經驗 詳細

A:Not yet. I originally planned to go abroad to study after leaving college, but I couldn't get a visa. I:Your resume says you have had one ~ S experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left? A:I worked in a foteign rep. office for one year. However, I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather ll. I found another job which is more interesting. I:Have you done any work in this field? A:Yes, I have worked in this field for four years. First, I worked in an American company as a sales representative, then I transferred to a Hong Kong company as a sales manager. I:What kind of jobs have you had? A:I worked as a business coordinator in a foreign representative office, then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager. So I am familiar with the textile market in China. I: What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field? A: First ,I think my technical background is helpful. I have enough knowledge to market the procts of your company. Secondly, I have studied for four months in a Marketing Training Programme with satisfactory results. Finally, I have mastered the English Language. These qualifications will make me successful in my career. I: What have you learned from the jobs you have had? A: I have learned a lot about business know-how and basic office skills. In addition , I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues. I:Can you get recommendations from your previous employers? A:Yes, I have brought them with me. Here they are. I; What's you major weak point? A:I haven't been involved In international business, so I don' t have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Centre of the Shanghai Foreign Service Company. I: What are your greatest strengths? A I know a lot about flow the Chinese economy works, and how business is done here. Secondly, I speak English fluently. I have no difficulty with language. And, I am a hardworker when I have something challenging to do. I: Please tell me about your working experience. A: I have five years experience in the chemical instry since I graated from college. First of all I worked as an assistant engineer in the No.1 Chemical Instry Co. Three years later I transferred to ABC Chemict Instry Company. Now I am working in the Sale Department of that company. I:Does your present employer know you are looking another job? A:No, I haven't discussed my career plans with my resent employer, but I am sure he will understand. 生活中不好意思說的話的英文版 當你難以啟齒時…… 一名中國留學生初到美國,在機場找廁所,問老外:「Where is W.C.?」老外聽不懂。一名中國太太到醫院生產,洋護士問她:「Did you have a bowel movement?」她卻聽不懂。還有人學了幾十年的英語,還不曉得英語里的「大便」、「小便」、「放屁」真正應該怎麼說…… 廁所 在美國一般都叫 rest room 或 bath room(男女廁均可)或分別叫做 men『s room 或 ladies『 room(=powder room),不過在飛機上,則叫 lavatory,在軍中又叫 latrine。至於 W.C. (water closet)仍是過去英國人用的,在美國,幾乎沒有人使用。 解小便 最普通的說法是 to urinate(名詞是 urination),如果去看病,護士為了化驗小便,就會給你一個杯子說:「Will (could) you urinate in this cup?」醫生或許也會問:「Do you have trouble urinating?」=Do you have difficulty voiding?(小便有困難嗎?) 此外,還有其他的說法:to piss = to take a piss = to take a leak = to void = to empty。 例如: * I need to piss = I have to take a leak. * How often do you get up at night to void?(晚上起床小便幾次?) 此外,john(j 小寫時,不是男人名字)是 bath room 或 toilet 的意思(也叫 outhouse),這通常是指在戶外工作場地所使用的臨時或流動性廁所(有時前面也加 portable 一字)。不過也有老外把家裡的廁所叫做 john。 例如: * There are several (portable) johns in the construction site.(在建築場地有幾個臨時廁所。) * He went to the john a few minutes ago.(他在幾分鍾前上了廁所。) * The manual labours have to use (portable) johns ring their working hours.(勞動者在工作時間內需要使用流動性廁所。) 不過,小孩多半用 to pee 。例如: * The boy needs to pee. 然而,「小便檢查」又叫做 urine test,因為這里的 urine 是化驗的樣品(specimen)。 例如: * Do I need a urine test? 注意:to piss off 是片語,又是指對人生氣或對事物的不滿。不過這是不禮貌的片語,少用為妙。

H. 如何用英語介紹自己工作

hello ,everyone .my name is ... I am a ... I graa ted from ...,I am very glad to come and now let me introce something about my work . I do well in .. and I have much confidence and courage to face the difficulties in my work so if you give me a chance I will try my best to do my work well and great . please believe in me and give me a chance to show myself ,thank you very much

I. 如何用英語介紹自己的工作經驗

Last summer holiday, I went to a private school to be an English teacher. The students were all very small, some of them only 9 years old,while some of them were 14 years old. I taught them words, phrases and they were very diligented, lovely and intelligent. We got along with each other very well. At first I was a little bit nervous,but because I was well prepared for it ,I had great confidence to teach them. By doing this , I got to know that nothing is impossible as long as you work hard for it.

J. 關於工作經驗的英語作文

工作經驗介紹的內容 總結主要包括以下四個方面的主要內容:












總結是對自身社會實踐進行回顧的產物,它以自身工作實踐為材料,採用的是第一人稱寫法 ,其中的成績、做法、經驗、教訓等,都有自指性的特徵。


這一點總結與計劃正好相反。計劃是預想未來,對將要開展的工作進行安排。總結是回顧過去,對前一段的工作進行檢驗,但目的還是為了做好下一段的工作。所以總結和計劃這兩種文體的關系是十分密切的,一方面,計劃是總結的標准和依據,另一方面,總結又是制定下 一步工作計劃的重要參考。


總結是對前段社會實踐活動進行全面回顧、檢查的文種,這決定了總結有很強的客觀性特徵 。它是以自身的實踐活動為依據的,所列舉的事例和數據都必須完全可靠,確鑿無誤,任何 誇大、縮小、隨意杜撰、歪曲事實的做法都會使總結失去應有的價值。


總結還必須從理論的高度概括經驗教訓。凡是正確的實踐活動,總會產生物質和精神兩個方 面的成果。作為精神成果的經驗教訓,從某種意義上說,比物質成果更寶貴,因為它對今後 的社會實踐有著重要的指導作用。這一特性要求總結必須按照實踐是檢驗真理的惟一標準的 原則,去正確地反映客觀事物的本來面目,找出正反兩方面的經驗,得出規律性認識,這樣 才能達到總結的目的。
2005-2007 doppler in shenzhen noble letter agrichemicals Co., LTD is engaged in the primary market and the secondary market development and maintenance
Beijing branch in trinity heavy instries in heavy equipment sales, is responsible for the management of state-owned enterprise customers, pr and marketing;
2009-2011 in hangzhou koeman SaJie brand construction machinery Co., LTD. Is responsible for tianjin, Beijing and hebei oxided flats of sales.
The current level of learning and personal experience, can be competent large instrial procts sales work, personal mature, smart capable, and able to work
, in the instrial sales of difficulties and frustrations have their own understanding and dealing with the way, honest, having good and extensive social connections, interpersonal communication ability, and willing to cooperate with the person complete projects.



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