1. 英语面试常用的对话
A:Good morning. I'm XXX, the manager of the company. What's your name please?
B:Good morning, Miss Pan. My name is XXX. I have come here for an interview by appointment. Nice to meet you.
A:Nice to meet you,too .You are the first one to have arrived. Well, for this job, we need people to work hard. Do you think you're suitable for this kind of job?
(你好, 今天我邀了几位面试者,你是第一个到的。对于这个工作,我们需要刻苦能干的人,你觉得你能适应这样的工作吗? )
B:Oh, yes, I think so.
A:Why did you choose to come here for a job?
B:I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.
A:What interest you most about this job?
B:I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.
A:Why should I hire you?
B:My ecational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.
A:When can you begin?
( 你何时能开始工作? )
( 马上就可以 )
A:So you can go back now,we will inform you soon.
( 所以现在你可以回去了,我们很快就会通知你 )
B:I will wait patiently, thank you.
( 我会耐心等待的,谢谢 )
2. 工作面试英语口语
为什么非要去学习抄中心呢 现在不是有在线学英语.好.吗 我试过ABC天卞口语还挺好的 帮你及时纠正学习方法 推荐可以去试听一下;1.先告诉她他你的的名字或者你想他叫你什么!example:!My name ______ , you can call me __________..他问你的特长和专业. .他还会问你你是从什么地方知道这个工作的..他最后还会问你为什么人为自己可以胜任这个工作.希望可以可以帮助你!...good luck...
3. 最实用的职场英语口语 外企常用职场英语口语有哪些
1. In the middle of something?
我知道有许多许多的人, 对于某一种概念学会了一种说法之后, 从此就只会用这种说法. 例如‘你在忙吗?’这个句子, 很多人在初中起就知道要说, "Are you busy?" 讲到了来美国留学 (微博) 三年, 他还是只会说 "Are you busy?". 其实有时候我们的眼界要放广一点, 对于同一个概念要有不同的变化. 就像是 "Are you busy?" 这句话, 其实老美也很常用 "In the middle of something?" , (但这句话比较接近于 "Are you busy right now?" 是问人家‘现在’是不是正在忙? "Are you busy?" 的含意比较广, 也可指‘最近’忙不忙?) 大家不要小看这么小小的变化, 如果你除了 "Are you busy?" 之外, 有时还懂得刻意去用 "In the middle of something?" 我相信你的的英文说出来就会跟别人不一样. 举个例子吧, 办公室里想找人八卦, 又怕人家正在忙, 这时你就可以问他, "In the middle of something?" (正在忙吗?)
记得在不久之前看过的一部黑人电影 Down to Earth 中也有 in the middle of something 这个用法, 只不过男主角是用这句话来提出一个论点, "The first kiss is always in the middle of something." 也就是说, 初吻总是发生在讲话讲到一半时, 或是当你们正在作其它的事情时, 通常是果不其然的. 他同时也觉得, "The first kiss is the only real kiss in your relationship." (只有初吻才是真正的吻), "The others are just protocols" (其它的都只是一种敷衍、虚应故事而已.)
4. 英语面试口语900句都有哪些啊
主考官通常会说:Would you tell me about yourself?
What are you strengths and weaknesses?
What makes you apply for this gob?
Do you have any work experience before?
What did you learn from that work?
How would your manager describe you?
Why are you leaving the last company?
求职者一般要介绍下自己,包括你的personality,strengths and weaknesses,work experience,qualification等等,例句有
I graatedd from……,I have received a ^^^degree, I majored in……
I worked as an intern for……,I was employed by(人) as a ……
What are the office hour?
May i ask what benefit you can provide?
Do you have any training program for new employees?
Can you tell me a bit of the job responsibilities?
5. 我马上要面试了 有没有一些外企面试英语口语速成的或是面试技巧的
面试最重要 highlight 你的技能,让公司认为你是他们需要的人才,其实我原来也不懂回,后来经过网上了解,答知道城市英语,他们有一块专门负责训练面试英语、职场英语,就去试听了一下,觉得是对症下药,效果非常好,自己也变得有自信多了。此外他们还开始一系列口语辅导课程,双管齐下,这只是我的建议,你可以尝试一下,我真的很喜欢。
6. 求 英语职场面试口语100%perfect! kindle版
你说的这个我不太熟悉,但是我自己现在在学e良师益友ace的实用生活口语,里面有关于面试的课程,看能不能帮到你,最后祝面试成功 ,加油
7. 英语职场常用口语
职场礼仪 Workplace manners ; Professional Etiquette
职场英文 English for Business ; Career English
职场信息 Job Information ;
职场暴力 workplace violence ; occupational tacit violence
职场故事 Career Stories
职场情商 career quotient ;
职场精英 Workplace elite ; Career Hero
1. Unfortunately, many workplaces today ignore, forgive or even encourage nastiness.
不幸地是, 许多职场如今是在忽视 、 原谅,甚至去鼓励这种肮脏.
2. And the solution to most of those workplace nightmares?
3. The workplace plays a central role in promoting functional literacy and numeracy.
4. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job.
5. We need to be proactive and confront challenges in our career.
6. We must avoid the & quot ; close breeding & quot ; phenomenon in companies.
我们要避免职场中的“近亲繁殖 ” 现象.
7. New technology is the driving force behind the rapidly changing workplace.
8. The annual review is the professional equivalent of the report card.
9. Hypomanics and manics generally have chaotic personal and professional relationships.
10. Plenty of professionals want to meet the CEO, CIO, or C - whoever - can - help.
不少职场人士想认识CEO 、 CIO等,以及任何只要能帮得上忙的管理层.
11. In reality, careers and the workplace perplex me entirely.
实际上, 事业和职场这两样东西我完全搞不懂.
12. Cutthroat competition in office is shown in this TV play.
13. Professional English – This idiom also be used in a professional environment.
14. A crisp button - down shirt a no - fail piece for the office.
15. The first steps into the workforce are often the most confusing.
8. 面试英语口语情景对话有哪些
9. 英语面试常用的对话有哪些
Excuse me.May I see Mr. John Watt,the manager?
2.It's me.What can I do for you?本人就是。你有什么事?
3.May I help you?你有什么事吗?
4.I have come at your invitation for an interview.Nice to meet you,Mr. Watt.
5.Please sit down.请坐。
6.Won't you take a seat?请坐。
7.Please take a seat.请坐下。
8.Thank you,sir.谢谢,先生。
9.I've come to apply for the position as office clerk.