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发布时间:2021-02-09 02:27:49

『壹』 应征采购员会面试什么英文的问题呢

我上周也复是面试了一家制德国公司的采购,并录用了,开始是有笔试的,你就上网找些有关采购的笔试题了,每个公司都有所不同。第一面是hr面的,我记得她有个问题是问我认为自己是不是一个tough person,还问了一些兴趣爱好,期望薪金,还有是问喜欢更工厂的人沟通还是跟客户沟通之类的,总共差不多有半小时吧,接着她就说明天会有复试,是德国的chief面的,第二天就面了,好像闲聊一样,看起来也蛮亲切的,问了我学生物的为什么不找生物公司咯,还有我家乡哪里啊,作为一个采购员需要什么能力啊还有我五年的规划啊,之类的,大概有十几分钟吧。
保持镇定,大方,不要撒谎,再运用你的语言能力就好了,当时我以为会叫我自我介绍的,没想到两次面试都没有要self introction,每家公司不一样,祝楼主好运了。

『贰』 急啊亲!!我要参加一个很重要的跨国采购会志愿者的面试,用英文自我介绍。 有没有哪位英语好的帮我翻译

good morning, My name is XXX. I am the secretary of the Student Union of the class. I have successfully host 4 mega events and Exchange Meetings. I learned a lot from organising those activities and conferences, and I think beyond ability, the most inportant factor is passion. If I have the honor to get this oppotunity, Iwill completed the work with all my heart.


『叁』 采购工程师面试自我介绍


『肆』 面试采购员的自我介绍

不同的人问期待你不同的答案。如果是较冷静的语气问你,期待的是你心底里最真实的想法,这时要注意,不要过份表露,你可以试着问:我来是发挥自己最大的长处,不知贵公司需要什么样的人?你先探探底,当然可以更委婉些。而这类人通常喜欢理智、服从类,你要谨慎。另一种:咄咄逼人型,他会给你个下马威,及讨厌跟己谈“利”,你若是想知道具体的薪资可以问其他人,因为此类人没有多少可靠的朋友(而这行也忌讳类似言语,大概你懂)。面试表明自己的可靠与忠诚(不可提因为薪水问题而离开原单位),他一定很喜欢,而且喜欢听好话。做此类工作老总肯定把你能拿的回扣预先算到你工资里头,对后者不能过贪。 做采购可以接触到很多新知识,能开阔自己的视野。能接触到不同的人,培养自己与人交流的能力 首先,所有岗位的面试都需要良好的个人形象,当让不是指容貌,而是穿着的整洁和精神面貌。 其次,采购员岗位的面试,单位首先会考察你的交流沟通能力,所以做自我介绍时一定要流利,并且不能太长,一些基本信息可以一带而过,要重点介绍你的特点及你曾经取得过哪些成绩。还有就是,可以圆润,但不能圆滑,因为采购员岗会接触到公司的财务,货品等,所以老板肯定也会从你的个人诚信度考虑。其实不要紧张就好了,虽然面试很重要,但在日常过程中的锻炼时更重要的,做你自己就好了。祝你成功。

『伍』 请问哪位好人可以帮我写一段英语的自我介绍,我明天要到美资企业面试采购助理,

Dear judges ,
I am very honored to interdouce myself to you . My name is Alina,a girl from Guangxi Provinice . I am twenty-two years old and I passed the exam of zhongshan University by self-study.I am majored in the administrative management, I have been working for three years now. I will appreciate it if I can be a member of you to work for the company.
Thank you for your listening.

『陆』 采购人员。自我介绍怎么写..有个性的..1小时内..速度

你抄word 是什么版本 2003 还是2007 还是2010一进门袭..就用一种发自内心的微笑..这样你就给了对方一个很好的影象..然后他问你什么..你就回答什么..但是要微笑的回答哦...这样保准人家聘应你..在家等好消息...最重要的是:你要能忍受那样的工作环境,枯燥的工作,另外最好是会做销售,有时候会让你去推小车卖东西

『柒』 面试采购时怎样自我介绍呢


『捌』 供应链经理 英语自我介绍,谢谢

Interviewer, Hello: I am honored to have the opportunity to interview your company supply chain manager, I believe I am qualified for this job. Now I make a simple self-introction: 2005 I graated from XX University Mathematics and Applied Mathematics bachelor's degree. Enjoy reading and learning, good communication. Graation date, with more than seven years experience in large manufacturing enterprises, more than six years of experience in team management, has been engaged in import and export, logistics, warehouse management, proction planning, material control, familiar with the procurement, supply chain management and operation capacity. With a strong sense of the cost and excellent execution. I believe in my leadership team will be able to achieve and exceed targets.

『玖』 急求助:采购自我介绍翻译成英文。。。

I am responsible for material procurement plan, coordinate arrival ,ensure that sales and customer demand, rece losses, rece inventory and improve inventory turnover.

1, Define the procurement of materials, develop the company's annual procurement plan, formulate seasonly and monthly demand planning and make procurement plans according to the supplier-cycle .

2, Monitor the direction of the procurement cost ,control the purchasing costs and rece inventory;

3, Implement the team management for shortage of proct, coordinate with suppliers make goods arrival emergently and achieve corporate material sharing;

4, Improve procurement processes and standards, develop, manage , appraise and analysis suppliers;

5, Collect customer information and supplier companies proction and update material requirements planning to rece the risk of an emergency.

In 2008 ,I participate in companies ISO9000 system certification and obtain internal audit qualification certificate.



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