⑵ 应聘酒店的英语自我介绍
Tomorrow I'm going to interview a three-star hotel. Easy on the line A LITTLE
Hello My name is Ting-ting, 23 years old this year. I graated from the Jilin Institute of Business and Technology, my specialty is food engineering. Are my home city of Changchun. I am very honored to be here. I very much enjoy the service sector, normally a number of restaurant workers go. My previous job prospects are in the bank to do the reception, you can say that I have very rich experience. In my opinion the most necessary job reception is carefully increase patient responsibility increases. I am a person who is willing to work hard study. would like to work with U.S. become friends, and work together for our hard work alone
⑶ 急求面试酒店的英文自我介绍
I am me and nobody else. (有个性,吸引别人注意)
Hello,My name is ***,university graated,with Tourist Management major.你好,我叫***,大学本科毕业,专业是旅游管理
Business morality of me is ,honesty, loyalty, dedicate to work, warm-heartedness and open-mindedness are essential.
Also i have the coordination, and management skill, client service and communication skill, and strong Chinese Mandarin and and written language skills.
That's me .
If you feel that I am suited for the job.please inform me .I do hope to hear from you in the near future.And to work for you
Thank you .(谢谢.)
⑷ 酒店面试英语自我介绍
Good morning, my name is ^^^, I come from Sichuan Normal University. My major is hospitality. I love hospitality instry and want to contribute myself to this cause. I am instrious and hard working. Besides, I have good communication ability. I do hope you can offer me a opportunity to show myself. I am sure this will be a win win cooperation.Thank you for your time.
⑸ 酒店面试英文自我介绍
How are you, I call XX.This year is XX years old.Graate from XXXX college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, optimism, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, etc..Thankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!
⑹ 求面试酒店的自我介绍(英文)
⑺ 帮忙写一份酒店面试英文自我介绍,具体内容里面有。。
Good afternoon everyone. My name is ___(name)_____ and I'm __(age)___ years old this year. I graaged from _____(your school)________ in __(year)___. I have one and a half year of experience with sales management and have relatively good achievements in that area. However my passion and main interest is still in the hotel and tourism instry, because there are more opportunities for me to interact with the different kinds of people. 什么是药房服务?I believe that with hardwork, the instry will be brought to greater heights. At the same time, the hotel management area will be able to gain more experience and skills. I like challenges and have great interest in this job.
⑻ 面试星级酒店英文自我介绍
作为五星级酒店的服务生,在做事细节、礼仪方面要求都特别严格,因为前厅部是酒店的第一“窗口”,而服务员的素质直接反映了该酒店的服务质量和管理水平。作为服务员我每天要面对大量的宾客,影响面大,因此在服务工作中要特别讲究礼仪,给宾客留下美好的印象。 下面就是我作为星级酒店服务员自我鉴定。首先在外在形象上作为总台服务人员的我,着装整洁,不浓妆艳抹,不佩戴贵重的饰物,讲究个人卫生,上班前忌吃有强烈刺激味的食物。在站立服务当中,始终精神饱满,对宾客笑脸相迎,主动热情。有敬业精神,不随便离开工作岗位去办私事。工作时间我不与旁人闲聊,不对宾客不理不睬。在任何情况下都不与宾客发生争执,使用文明礼貌语言,不讥笑、讽刺客人,不言语粗俗,举止粗鲁。 其次在工作态度上我服务态度热心、诚恳。当宾客对服务不满投诉时,我耐心倾听,诚恳接受,不打断宾客的话头,更不置之不理,向宾客真诚致歉,并马上着手解决问题。做到对任何宾客都一视同仁,热情服务。我做到有问必答,百问不厌。回答问询简洁明了,用词准确,口齿清晰。对本酒店的各个场所位置、服务时间、各种设施了如执掌,不用“可能”、“也许”、“大概”等模糊词语回答宾客问讯。 接待宾客问询时,我热心为他们当好参谋。除对本单位情况了解、熟悉,我还熟悉本地其他服务性行业的有关情况,如旅游景点、往返路线、交通工具、购物场所等有关信息,以便随时为宾客提供服务,避免一问三不知。在宾客遇到困难时,我尽自己一切努力去帮助,从不以任何理由拒绝,如代宾客修理大小物品等。如不能满足宾客的要求时候,我及时向宾客致歉,以求谅解,不随意编造理由,推诿搪塞。 在答应宾客的事我定守信用,不疏忽大意,甚至遗忘。宾客离店来总台结账,我态度热情,办理迅速准确,以免耽搁宾客的时间。当场核对各项收费情况,钱款当面结清。结账完毕应向宾客致谢,并欢迎宾客再次光临。因为我知道适当的告别语,可以给宾客留下深刻印象,吸引宾客再来。 经过自己的努力,自然取得不错的效果,但仍然存在不足,在以后的工作计划中一定不断学习,不断加强,争取有更优秀的表现。本文来自 自我评价网 www.ziwojieshao.org 范文出处: http://www.ziwojieshao.org/ziwojianding/4100.html