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发布时间:2021-01-18 11:44:19

Ⅰ 英语对话短文两人15句 关于问好的或者自我介绍

A:Can I help you?
B:Yes,please.I need a shorts.
A:What color do you want?
A:How about this one.
B:NO it’s small for me
A: How about this one.
B:It looks nice .How much is it
A:eleven dollars.
B:OK,I’ll take it.
B:How much are this jacket
A:It’s twenty-one dollars
B: It’s expensive
A:OK,Here you are your shorts .
A:You ’re welcome

Ⅱ 谁有英语的自我介绍和对话

A: Hello.
B: Hello. May I have your name please?
A: Li Lei.
B How old are you?
A: I am twelve years old.
B: Do you have any brothers?
A: No, I don't.
B: What do you like doing ?
A: I like playing soccer, tennis and basketball. I also like collecting stamps and coins.
B: What do you often do in the evening?
A: I often read books, sur the internet after I finish doing my homework.
B: Great. Bye
A: Bye

象其他的如抄: your address/ your telephone number 等


Ⅲ 英语对话短文两人关于一人给一人介绍自己的员工

Tom 和 Jim.怎么样?名字不错吧,呵呵.以下用T和J简带.
T:Hi there, my name is Tom Anderson. Just call me Tom.
J:Oh, hi, my name is Jim O'Conner. Nice to meet you Tom.
T:It's nice to meet you too. How do you enjoy sports?
J:You are asking a pro, Tom. I'm so into it. My favourite is Basketball. And my favourite team is Lakers form LA.
T:That's so cool. I'm also a fan of it. I like it when Kobe does a slamnk.
J:Oh, yeah, definetly. By the way, I work as a store manager around Lakers' sports fireld. Which means I can often check on their games.
T: That's just amazing. I always have difficulties in getting those tickets. Actually I work as a power plant worker hundreds of miles away.
J: Too bad to hear that. Call me if you need tickets. It's just a piece of cake.
T: Sure thing Jim. I'm sure I'll call you some time and you know what, we can actulaly go there together.
J: Yeah, I was being stupid to skip that part.
T: Man, I do that some time too. Anyway, thanks for your offer.
J: No problem, man.


Ⅳ 介绍自己的爱好两人英语对话,内容要三分钟,急

Tom: hi Sam, how are you?

Sam: good thanks

Tom: so, is every thing fine at your university?

Sam: pretty good. Just feel a bit weird.

Tom: same here, I feel weird too about going to university everyday without any having any interest about it.

Sam: it’ like you feel like you’re rejected, nothing feels unfamiliar to you, and sometimes you gets really scared of a teacher. It’s nothing like collage at all!

Tom: I agree, even some of my classmates were scared too, because all teachers look much severed.

Sam: in collage, at least the teachers aren’t that scary and strict. Homework are not so hard. In university, homework are increasing so fast that you can’t get a breath out of it!

Tom: next week, I’m having a test, and they said it’s going to be so hard!

Sam: me too, not next week, but soon. In collage, we don’t get much trouble if we don’t get a high mark, but in university, you just have to go for it, try as hard as you can to graate at the end.

Tom: yes, I think I better go back home to study now, see ya!

Sam: ok, see ya!

Ⅳ 需要一段两人英语对话,主题就是简单的自我介绍,稍微长一点,加翻译



To introce myself

Hello,every one!

My name is **** .

I'm a 15 years old boy.

I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.

I'm an active ,lovely and clever boy.(

In the school , my favourite subject is maths .

Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to
well .

But I like it.

I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.

I also like sports very much.

Such as,running,volleyball and so on.

I'm kind-hearted.

If you need help ,please come to me .

I hope we can be good friends!

OK.This is me .A sunny boy.

Ⅵ 两人英语对话三十句左右自我介绍带翻译

Jack :how are you going,John?
John :i am fine ,and you?
Jack :not so bad ,it has five years since we last met in Chicago
john:yes ,yes,How time flies。i moved to Ohio,i work there now .
Jack,what do you do for living there?
John : i become an english teacher,and how about you
jack : i work as cook

Ⅶ 写一段自我介绍的对话。高分求。有分加。

---My name is Byron. What is your name?


---My name is Mike.


---My Chinese name is Bao Jian Kun. What is your Chinese name?


---My Chinese name is Ma Kun. Just call me Mike.


---Where do you come from?


---I come from Kunming. Kunming is a beautiful place.


---I’m an editor. What do you do for a living?


---I am a middle school teacher. I teach Chinese.


---I like sports and singing. Do you like sports?


---No, I don’t. I like reading and writing.


---My favorite food is western food. What is your favorite food?


---My favorite food is Sichuan food.


---Why do you like learning English?


---I like communicating with people.


---Do you know what you should do at present?


---What I should do at present is learn English well.


Ⅷ 求两人的英文对话 介绍自己家乡 3分钟左右 30句左右


Bill:Hello,let me introce myself.I'm Bill from Wenzhou.
Any:Nice to meet you!I'm Any.I don't think I've seen you around before.
Bill:No.I just started working here this month.I'm in the Sales Department.
Any:Just now,I heard that you comes from Wenzhou!That's a nice city,isn't it?
Bill:That's right!As a rich city in Zhejiang Province,Wenzhou is the Zhejiang's economic center as well as being the most important center in Zhejiang for international trade and communications.You know,quite a lot of foreign trade in China depend on Wenzhou's push these years and Wenzhou improves economy of Zhejiang as well.
Any:Great!Wenzhou is a self-confident city in China!By the way,is there something tasty in your hometown?
Bill:In my hometown,sweet food is the most acceptable.People always put more suger when cooking.I like Dumpling very much,especially mpling with pork!

我的家乡,是一个美丽的小城.My hometown is a small beatiful country.那里有我很多美好的回忆.there remains a lot of my delighted memory.我在那生活了12年.I lived there for 12 years.我很喜欢我的家乡.I love my hometown very much.那里有美丽的山水,纯朴的人们.繁华的大街,宁静的小道.there are beautiful moutains and rivers, kind people, crowd streets and peaceful path. 虽然已经不住在那了,但是每年我都会回去看看.那都没有自己的家乡好.这就是我的家乡.Though I'm not living there, I come back to my hometown for a visit every year.Nowhere is better than my hometown.This is my hometown.

Ⅸ 一个英语故事,和自我介绍,两个人对话。

Amy:Good morning.
Lily:Good morning.
Amy:How are you?
Lily:I'm fine.Thanks.
Amy:What your name?
Lily:My name is Lily.What about you?
Amy:I am Amy.
Lily:Nice to meet you.
Amy:Nice to meet you,too.



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