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发布时间:2021-02-13 08:00:47

① 跪求机械设计及其自动化专业的英文自荐信

Dear leaders:
We appreciate your taking the time to review the job materials that give this opportunity!
A solid grasp of knowledge and expertise in a certain ability to work and organizational capacity of subordinates, is your desire. Seeking a full play to their professional expertise of the work unit and can get your attention, the hope is a job; capable assistants, will help you seemed to work; suitable work units, will help job-seekers to display their talent.
Perhaps we will be a common goal and stand together, and that is: will your organization's glorious history written more fun! Your organization is willing to work and sacrifice their youth and talent.
As graating students, although the lack of work experience, but by descriptive geometry classes and majoring in mechanical drawing, engineering materials, molding material and technological foundation, geometric precision control and application, machinery manufacturing and technological foundation, mechanical principles, the basis of control engineering, electrical Technology, electronics technology, mechanical design, mechanical design curriculum design, transmission and hydraulic pressure control, testing technology, CAD / CAM technology,
Principle and computer interface technology, mechatronics, NC technology, numerical control technology, machinery and equipment manufacturing and design, advanced manufacturing technology, the study, a preliminary grasp of the theory of professional knowledge, and through metalworking practice, practice and understanding Proction internship study, to fully integrate the theory and practice, for my future work study provided valuable information.
For a better connection with reality, I August 2007 using vacation time to Xiamen Linde (China) Limited forklift attachment. Its advanced manufacturing technology and processes allow me to better understand the machinery on a step.
The study by the University, can skillfully use Office procts, and a variety of graphics software AutoCAD, CAXA. And use after school hours to learn and master a certain UG graphics knowledge.
University life is not our imagination in the park, is not our idea of paradise, but a tempering of the stove. During this period was 4 of the National College English examination CET-4, CCT National University of Computer Certificate Examination (C language), the State Ministry of Information Instry AutoCAD certificate, in schools "excellent civilizations dormitory" was third place in the competitions, the College driving Skills training. To learn about the power of teamwork, learning to difficulties in the face of the determination to not bow to improve the problem-solving abilities. On the occasion of the advent of training opportunities, special test to your organization recommended himself, give me a job training opportunities, but also you a success. A sincere heart in the hope that you trust. In a person's life, and so you change.
In the course of study after work I will humbly learn, to work, Jinzhong committed to our work. Sincerely hope that your organization have access to or interviews about the opportunity.
Finally, wish you prosperity!

Recommended himself: in October 2007

② 考博时,写给导师的自荐信该怎么写


③ 急求机械类专业的个人简历自荐信

自 荐 信尊敬的领导: 您好! 当您浏览这一页的时候,您已经为我打开了通往成功的第一扇大门。感谢您能在我即将踏上人生又一崭新征程的时候,给我一次宝贵的机会。希望它不同于您手中若干份雷同的求职材料,并能有助您在激烈的市场竞争与知识经济的大潮中录求到你正在寻找的综合型人才。 我是XX专科学校的一名大三学生,主修的是机械设计制造及其自动化专业的数控技术方向。欲在各企事业单位寻找一份与计算机相关的管理或技术工作,如:信息采编,网络管理,也愿意从事与本专业数控技术有关的管理技术性工作 。 作为一名专科生,“合格加特长”始终是我的目标。在学校里我的学习成绩名列前茅,并积极参加各种课外活动,作为新世纪的大学生,我深深知道只学习本专业的知识是远远不够的,因此我阅读了各个方面的书籍并参加了各种极其有用的培训课程的学习,充实自己的同时也得到了更多机会的锻炼。经过大学三年的努力,我已具有较高的理论及实践能力,有良好的人际关系,能适应新环境。计算机和英语知识的掌握使我工作责任心强,富有创新意识,愿从事具有挑战性的工作。并且,具有一定的组织、社交能力。对未知领域充满热情,自信。有相当的发展潜力,以求不断完善自我。我肯吃苦,踏实苦干,从点滴做起,在工作中始终保持勇于创新的信念和乐观向上的态度。 此致
自荐人 :_________ 二〇一〇年六月十一日

④ 求助:考博自荐信


⑤ 研究生期间表现不优秀想考博士怎么写自荐信

自荐信都是说好不说坏啊,说说自己成就,发表了多少论文,有啥成果,据我所知,博士好考但是不容易毕业啊 找个导师推荐下,望采纳

⑥ 考博写给导师的自荐信该怎么写

推荐材料 中共##省委党校: ###同志,女,##年#月出生,##年#月参加工作,#### 局职员。 该同志自参加工作以来,认真学习邓小平理论及“三个代表” 重要思想,全面贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策,在政治上、 思想上与各级党组织保持高度一致, 特别是在党的先进性教育活动中,作为入党积极分子积极参加, 以党员的标准严格 要求自己;工作上积极主动,任劳任怨, 具备较强的业务素质及优秀的工作能力, 在信息工作方面做出了较为突出的成绩, 得到领导和同志们的一致肯定。工作期间,开发建立了“◎◎在线” 网站,编写了《##信息产业“十一五”发展规划》,参与编写了《 ##国民经济和社会发展“十一五”规划》, 并多次在各级报刊上发表文章,其中,《落实科学发展观,振兴## 盐业经济》被国家《新时期基层发改委工作指南》收录。 ###同志工作上成绩突出,但是她不骄不躁, 在参加继续教育培训的同时,还积极利用业余时间加强法律、 计算机、投资咨询等相关知识的学习,使她的综合素质不断提高, 在各项工作上更加游刃有余。 作为重点培养干部,为了使### 同志知识水平及综合素质得到进一步提升, 使其能够担任更重要的工作任务,做出更大的贡献, 希望该同志能够进入省委党校专业理论研究生班继续学习深造。 特此推荐。 ####局 二〇〇六年三月十二日



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